Friday 9 October 2015

A prayer for the peace of mind

Lord Jesus never fails
A Prayer for the Peace of Mind.
 Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. (Mathew 11:28).
Beloved Jesus, I praise and thank you for thy unbounded love and grace. I believe that there is perfect peace in your presence. I lost my peace due to my family problems and am moaning within. Every dawn is a pain for me. I go through lot of struggles in my family and there is no peace.
While at work, I couldn’t be at peace as my colleagues envy on me. I feel depressed because I am ridiculed and dishonored due to my debt. I believe that Jesus can redeem me from this distress and pour out my heart unto him.
My father Jesus, be merciful unto me...Hold me with thy kindness for I am trembling amidst misery. Take off from me, whichever is not pleasing you. Despise not my broken and contrite heart and keep me. Kindly fill me with thy mercies and grace and grant me peace and repose that the world cannot give. Lord I know that you cast out none whoever is coming unto you. Thank you for hearing my prayers today. Thank you for your comfort and calmness. Kissing thy feet gratefully, my lovable Jesus..Amen.


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