Monday 14 September 2015

The prayer for free from the fear of future

The prayer for free from the fear of future
Heavenly Father I praise you I adore you .Lord I commit   my life in your hand. I am so much worried about my future  how it will be Lord please look upon me .Take  away  my confusions, worries,  fear from me. You are a God who changes the darkness in to Light yes Lord take away all the darkness in my life and fill my life with your Holy light let my life will be bright Lord you are forgiving God forgive all my sins which is obstacles to receive   your blessings wash away all my sins and make me pure to receive your blessings in my life. Give me courage and strength to live in this world .I keep all my burdens upon you help me to believe that you are with me in all my life’s situations. Help me lord to live my life happily and joyfully .Help to receive all the blessings which you have for me in the future. This I ask in the Holy name of Jesus Amen.

The promises of God
-    God will lift me up in a correct time

-    I am blessed by God because I am fear of God

-    I shall be kept in High because I Trust in God

-    My time  is in the Hand of God

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