Thursday 8 October 2015

A virtuous woman

A virtuous woman
 Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.(Proverbs 31:10).
A virtuous woman with noble character- She is the dream of every young man but he cannot attain her by mere plans.As he dedicates his desires and anticipations to the Lord and tarries for his time, certainly God will grant him such woman.

Isn’t he, our God, who created a perfect partner for Adam, the beautiful Eve in the Garden of Eden? One who has such a virtuous woman as his wife must understand first that her value is far above than rubies.

Nowadays, the world looks for a bride who has WWWs. (Working, White, Wisdom).
The parents define a woman as a bride on her beauty, occupation, qualification, complexion, family status and assets. May it be essential but a Godly woman is hallowed above all these.

When you desire for such a Godly woman, you will also have God’s grace and his abundant blessings through her, which are more valuable and worthful than any of the earthly riches and wealthy resources.

But if a man, desires for a beautiful woman, no doubt he will get one but the beauty will never last. Some will dream for a wife who will look like an actress, thinking not that the beauty is nothing but vain. 

Favour is deceitful, and beauty is vain: but a woman that feareth the Lord, she shall be praised. (Proverbs 31:30)..Thus says the Bible.

Beauty will diminish as the days go by but the beauty of a woman, who fears God, will be revealed as God’s glory and she will look more adorable each day.

The Bible says about one such virtuous woman, named RUTH….
And now, my daughter, do not fear. I will do for you all that you request, for all the people of my town know that you are a virtuous woman. (Ruth 3: 11).

Everyone around her knew about her nobleness and what a blessing it is? That is why; Jesus was born as her descendant ,despite her being a Moabite woman.

Who is a virtuous woman?  Proverbs 31 says about the eight good qualities of a virtuous woman. Ruth possessed all those within her.

1. A virtuous woman will suffer for the goodness of her own family. She is fervently conscious over the well-being of her husband and her family. The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her, so that he shall have no need of spoil. (Proverbs 31-11,12).

2. A virtuous woman shall carryout her works with cheer..(Verse 13).

3. A virtuous woman will do her jobs with care and wisdom (Verse 14).

4. A virtuous woman openeth her heart with wisdom and in her tongue is the law of kindness (Verse 26).  She is not a talebearer but teaches with wisdom.

5. A virtuous woman fears God, trusts in him (Verse 30).

6. A virtuous woman is careful in her appearance in dressing up and her makeover in such a way that no one will understate her.(Verses 22, 25).

7. A virtuous woman is diligent in moving with the other men rather than her husband. His heart doth safely trust in her. And he is known in the gates, when he sitteth among the elders of the land. A woman who is behaving ill cannot have her husband seated among the elders. (Verses 11,23).

8. A virtuous woman is a blessing to her family and her forthcoming generations forever.(Verses 28,29).

Since Ruth possessed these qualities within her, she was called as virtuous woman and Boaz married her for the same.

Today’s young girls must put their effort in building up such qualities within themselves and we should also bend our knees for them before the Lord.

Let every Christian woman shall exert to become a virtuous woman so that she shall be praised by her husband, children, relatives and all her surrounders.  

The Lord shall bless us today and forever. Amen.  Hallelujah.                               

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