Sunday, 6 September 2015

From The Desk of Jesus

I Dwell in Your Praise 
I inhabit the praise of My people. Keep a heart of constant worship and exalt Me in your heart when, in the midst of a service, you are tempted by what others may be thinking of you. Satan loves to attack the minds of My children when they praise Me, to keep them from true intimacy. As a result, you may be more concerned with the sound of your voice, or with what others think of your voice, than with the praise itself. However, I am pleased when you pour your heart out in sincerity. Do not give place to vanity, for I enjoy the heartfelt songs of a terrible singer more than I do a thousand harmonies sung by those who only glorify their own voice. So remember to keep a real and true heart. Come back to the heart of worship; focus on Me and meditate on My presence during all your moments of praise, whether sung loudly at church or quietly in your heart at work. Give Me the true praise I deserve, and I will be with you in the midst of your words. You will feel My presence cover you, and My voice will become clearer—because I dwell in your praise.

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