Friday 3 July 2015

Intimacy with God

Dear Lord, 

You know all my thoughts and all my actions. Nothing is hidden from You. You know all about me and knowing me fully well, You still want more possible time to spend with me. 
You want me to talk with You more and enjoy You just as I would enjoy my time with an earthly person. You nourish and encourage me with Your words and Your thoughts for me. 
You love me so much that You sent Your only begotten Son Jesus to die for me on the cross. Though I go far from You sometimes, by Your love You draw me near towards You through Your Holy Spirit living in me.
 I'm awe struck that the Trinity God who created this whole universe and creator of all things on earth, loves me so much that You desire to live in my heart. You do not desire sacrifices or to live in tabernacle but rather in my heart and a simple praise from my mouth. O Lord, Mighty God, I stand in awe of You. 
You always cover and protect me by Your amazing Grace. You consider me as an apple of Your eye. You always bless me abundantly and exceedingly more than I can ask or imagine. Thank You Holy of Holy God. 
I love You so much Jesus. I give You all honour, glory and praises Father. 

With love,
Your beloved child on earth.

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