Wednesday 15 July 2015

He is a rich, full, free, and inexhaustible fountain!

He is a rich, full, free, and inexhaustible fountain!

(William Nicholson, "The Enriching Savior!" 1862)

"The same Lord over all is rich to all who call upon Him!" Romans 10:12

This verse is full of precious consolation. As "Lord over all" He is able to enrich others. He possesses an inexhaustible stock of spiritual blessings, by which He can "be rich unto all who call upon Him."

Note the objects of His enriching grace: "Unto all who call upon Him."

He enriches the guilty one, with the pardon of all his sins, however numerous and flagrant. 1 John 1:7; Acts 13:38.

He enriches those condemned by the law, with deliverance and justification. Acts 13:39; Romans 5:1; 8:1.

He enriches the unrighteous and defiled, with cleansing grace and regenerating power, to make them "new creatures in Christ Jesus." 2 Corinthians 5:17.

He enriches the outcast and abandoned, with adoption into His redeemed family, and all its precious privileges.

He is a rich, full, free, and inexhaustible fountain!

What more can be said?

He enriches . . .
  the ignorant — with wisdom,
  the weak — with strength,
  the fearful — with courage,
  the depressed — with consolation,
  the soldier of the cross — with armor, success, and conquest,
  the tempted and tried — with support and a way of escape,
  the afflicted and bereaved — with strength according to the day,
  the dying — with the hope of immortality, and afterwards with Heaven itself!

He can make all grace to abound to all His people!

"The LORD gives grace and glory. No good thing does He withhold from those who walk uprightly!" Psalm 84:11 
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